Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

AGDA WA Folio Review 2019 ‘Get it Together’

I was proud to be part of the 2019 AGDA WA Folio Review down @murdochuniversity  this year.

A fantastic turn-out of students and one inspiring keynote by @iamdanagostino. Thanks to all of the professionals for kicking off their day by sharing some critiques and advice, Erica Ormsby for helping with the venue at @murdochuniversity and the @agdawa council for their time and effort!

Dan’s TOP FIVE tips for students:

  1. It’s not always what you know, but who you know.
  2. Design for good.
  3. Learn how and when to stick to your guns.
  4. Learn when challenge a belief
  5. The importance of passion projects


Noisy at such close quarters, but feel the energy in the images below…



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