Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder letter – Redesigned by students a world away

It gives me great pleasure to finally release the first semester 2010 assignments for viewing by the wider interweb community to demonstrate the value design has on communication and message delivery.

In this case, a ‘run of the mill’ shareholders letter for one of the world’s greatest and wealthiest compaines who has recently met with Barack Obama about the US economy along with Google Inc Chairman Eric Schmidt, former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Larry Summers and former Labor Secretary Bob Reich. Wow. That is some serious money and serious communication eh?

Therefore, meet our CREATE PAGES brief for Semester One, 2010. Please be aware that this assignment was for educational purposes only, and as my student’s gained valuable insight into how these type of documents are read, and mis-read when poorly designed you should be advised that they may not be accurate as thr originals posted on Berkshire Hathaway’s site and should not be read or relied upon in the same manner if you are lucky enough to have shares or actually care.

Therefore, first visit Berkshire Hathaway’s ACTUAL 2009 report and spend some time revelling in the static HTML from one of the world’s richest companies here:

Then, bask in the glory of the updated and redesigned versions from Perth, Western Australia here:

BerkshireHathaway by Claire Bates

BerkshireHathaway by Megan Guise

BerkshireHathaway by Lavinia Silvestro

BerkshireHathaway by Elaine Sia

BerkshireHathaway by Ed Visser

BerkshireHathaway by Claire Lowes

BerkshireHathaway by Nathan Reid

BerkshireHathaway by Amanda Hay

BTW: I have written to Mr. Warren Buffett himself, kindly requesting that we have the ‘assignment’ for his 2011 Letters to Berkshire Shareholders, however, I am still awaiting a reply.

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