Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

Dancing with the machine

Introducing Valerie Schönjahn

Happiness and creative completion of a solid 20 week residency at the Perth Letterpress Workshop.
Experimentation, mindfulness and listening to the breath. Opens on Wednesday at 133 Newcastle Street, Northbridge — Main foyer display cabinet upstairs above the workshop.

Dancing with the machine

Valerie’s research for this letterpress residency has taken her on a journey. Through her family heritage and the idea that standardisation can cause loss of information, to the role of words and word plays. Exploring scale, the rhythm of repetition and seeking to perfect the act of printing on the Farley press, ‘atemzug’ is the unravelling of this thinking process.

For two weeks · 133 Newcastle Street, Northbridge
8 Nov — 22 Nov 2023

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