Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

Digital Skills in Kazan, Russia

Preevyet from Kazan

A quick visit to Russia before Christmas with Indy Griffiths for Worldskills training at the Digital Skills warm up at the Kazan Expo.

Very much like the real thing – noisy school groups all day, zero snacks, nose bleeds, ill-prepared competitors mis-timing their day with tardy completion and tiresome, multi-national judging with minimal translation support – Exactly how we like it!

Also enjoyed the sneak preview of the expansive Kazan Expo venue and modern CBD. The Expo facility feels at least three times the size of Abu Dhabi in floorspace, but with the same teething issues of slow security check, long lines at registration desk and limited shuttle buses. Very little English signage and we are very grateful for our attaché’s translation support and other English speaking experts and competitors.

Regardless of how well you think you have prepared, there is always a surprise element in the briefs — and for Indy, more than one un-practiced skill to unsettle and perhaps second-guess ourselves.

Facebook now is calling me a visual storyteller.

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