Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

ISTD 2019

It is always a total pleasure to mark high standard student work. And through its highly acclaimed assessment scheme, ISTD raise the bar each year with examples of exceptional typography in design education.

Congratulations to the eighteen of our Even Odds students who submitted this year — Our largest submission and our best results with 50% passing the assessment (*including one merit).

A flagship project run in the Advanced Diploma Extend Typographic Design unit, the International Society Typographic Designers Student Assessment Scheme (ISTD) aims to raise the profile of typography in design education across the globe. Both staff and students are proud to participate in this international and prestigious assessment. 

The dual assessment process ensures the high standard of quality to be granted this distinctive membership. Passing mark or not, students celebrated and supported one another through the entire process – it is such an ambitious and rewarding project!

The 2020 Student Briefs now available on the ISTD website.:

ISTD’s goal is to give both tutors and students the opportunity to explore and develop typography as an inherent part of the design process and thus bring the typographic gesture to the forefront of their design education.

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