Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

Moscow Friendly – Day 1 & 2

Привет from sunny Moscow. Sunrise is at 3:30am and it never really gets dark.

Our host college is literally translated as:
State budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow 
“Moscow publishing and printing college named after Ivan Fedorov”
They have strong class sizes, interesting course design and a unique product/industrial design qualification which includes a 3D printer beside each PC.
Skilleroo Indy Griffiths has so far enjoyed a fantastic Master class on “Innovative teaching methods in contemporary art and design” by Leonid Fedorovich, Honoured Artist of Russia. Leonid was a passionate advocate for keeping drawing in the design course, has written many books and developed an impressive body of work over the last 40 years. And again today we also received some homework after a specialist masterclass on “Method of working with limited information when searching for ideas of design” with Andrey Ermakov.
The actual modules in the afternoon sessions have stretched Indy’s endurance – Digital Design on Day One and a 12pp booklet for Day Two. They have been long days.
Also new for me, is a chronic case of travellers belly, with bonus fever and my iPhone didn’t travel well, going purple and green on arrival at Domodedovo Airport and now forever asleep.
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