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Student Mobility Program to Peoples Republic of China

This report contains reviews, imagery and personal commentary of the recent Central Institute of Technology’s student mobility program to the Peoples Republic of China hosted by Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce in Hangzhou.

It has been designed to allow for various entry points into the seven perspectives of the team who have undertaken and reflected on the two weeks abroad, and readers are invited to review each report in no particular order. Each student was given the freedom to document the tour without a constrained framework or agenda. It also loosely offered students the ability to seek truth from the facts.

Unsurprisingly, the conclusion for each student and myself was the same. China is amazing.

The team also prepared a full presentation to staff and students on their return.

Report and tour headed by Lecturer Brendan Hibbert, along with students Jessica Kipps, Caitlin Moloney, Chiara Adams, Reanna Caddy, Luke Sweet and Elliott Klass.

View the report at ISSUU
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