Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

The West Aussie WAYZGOOSE 2023

It is always such an amazing day in the print shop at Bright Press. So grateful for Ann Ong’s efforts to bring the printing community together.

The Western Australian WAYZGOOSE this year was sublime. A walk through with Philip Brook and his journeyman apprentice life at Pilpel Print. It was really fascinating hearing the stories and how printing evolved through the years. He showed off his typesetting skills in the afternoon, helping everyone set their lines of hand-set type to get them ready to be printed.

The energetic Geoff Moor presented an investigative walk through the 100 years of Adana, including the Perth connection and his collection on display.

I also shared how North Metro TAFE is activating the Perth Letterpress Workshop via the Artist in Residence program, and championing West Australian typographers and creating new wood type celebrating local type designers . It was such an honour to pull a specimen sheet of Joseph Dennis’ Westralia (SWIM TYPE) on the Vandercook!

Letterpress Residency Applications *NOW OPEN* for term-long Residencies in Term 3 and 4 in the remainder of 2023. Sign up here:

Ingrid Mulder facilitated a extremely well equiped Gocco Printing workshop, and headmaster of the #schoolofbadprinting, Phil Gambrill (Fresh Lemon Print) help set ambitious wood type posters using typographic terminology on the Farley.

Great to have Keith Schekkerman (Sandlewood Letterpress museum) alongside for his expert printing knowledge, and insightful maintenance work on some of the presses before Wayzgoose got underway.

Finally, to end the day, Ann and Phil lanched  Stronger Together – 2023 Print Exchange and Exhibition
“What the past several years has taught us is that we are stronger together. Let’s continue to be there for one and another!”

These amazing A5 sized letterpress prints are now on display until the 30th June 2023.

Artwork by Phil Gambrill of Fresh Lemon Print.

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