02 Dec Area 57 gradshow was out of this world
Our supa-sized Adv Diploma graphic design group put on a great show last week, complete with ISTD typography lounge room (complete with carpet, hanging pictures, a record player, and a moosehead), a re-modeled Area 57 headquarters where agent profiles, portfolios, posters and alien-size UFO filled the space, and to top it all off, a bumper 128pp Silver foiled top secret catalogue with censored profiles and bios. It was an exhausting, but brilliant job carried out by many individual student passionate about design and dedicated to a strong theme.
A extensive listing of their yearly events, profiles, portfolio pieces and contact details are all available at AREA 57’s website and their FACEBOOK page.
Shots below taken by Agent Paula Faria’s fiancee and bodyguard, Alberto Narcizo.