25 Mar Design Alumni website launched
We are proud to announce the launch of the Design Alumni program, just in time for Perth Design Week 2023.
Developed to recognise the incredible work of our Western Australian Design School alumni, the TAFE DESIGN ALUMNI program aims to encourage and facilitate connections between alumni and the next generation of NM TAFE graphic design students.
Participants can choose their level of involvement including taking an active role in shaping the future of content of programs, mentoring students and graduates, guest speaking at events, running a workshop, or offering a student internship.
These valuable contributions can have a significant impact on the growth and development of our current students and the industry.
The program is an opportunity to showcase the various journeys and stories of many diverse cohorts of talent, demonstrating the incredible talent and creativity that has emerged from our programs, including those from previous incarnations, such as the Perth Technical College, Western Australia School of Art & Design, Central TAFE, and most recently, North Metro TAFE.
We are calling on our alumni to engage in this exciting program and take the opportunity to connect with the next generation and help shape the future of the industry.
Check out the new website.
If you are an Alumni you can also complete the questionnaire.