Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

Do work that matters™

We played host to one of the world’s hardest working, left-handed, graphic design legends on Saturday as James Victore kicked off his #feckperfunction world tour.

This workshop is the catalyst to bring both your creativity and courage to the forefront. It is for anyone who feels their creativity has plateaued, wants more from their gift, or seeks a new way of getting their voice out into the world. Come, work with me to lose your fears and self-doubts.
This is an intimate workshop, salon, creative bootcamp, and wholly ass-kicking experience that is designed take you to the next level in your life and business. You’ll spend the day with other charged, curious and intelligent designers and thinkers in an exploration of creative thinking, techniques and methodology.

For me, this is a big part about what the AGDA council offers – Direct connections with your design heroes, networking with others passionate about design and keeping your soul alive n’ brain awake…

“I believe that creativity is highly correlated with self-knowledge and that you can’t have the creative development you seek without personal development.”

“They learn that their job is not to try to appeal to everyone (a patently impossible task) but to tell THEIR story and find THEIR audience. Ultimately, they’ll make work that makes them happy, and they’ll get paid for it. The more we love what we do, the better off the field will be.”

“It is not the teacher’s role to preen students fluorescent lighting, for cubicles and but to prepare them for the longer road, to prepare them for careers 10 and 15 years down the road.”

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