11 Aug Emily Tenzer Santoro – New York Vernacular in a Western Australian village called Perth
Emily Tenzer Santoro, Adjunct Instructor at Pratt Institute, Queens College and New York University and SUN/FIT, brought her background in anthropology (BA, Barnard College, 1984) to the culture of graphic design to Central Institute of Technology in Perth last week for an fantastic interactive workshop. Made possible by Swinburne, AGDA and Central’s generosity, it was a real treat to spend some time with a talented design lecturer from New York.
As a group we explored concepts for a Op-Ed response. Using key words, matrix systems, creative thinking and visualisation techniques the group enjoyed this most basic of task to produce a quick series of solutions – which are never as easy as it looks or sounds!
Plus, AGDA WA put on a ‘free for members’ casual evening at the Oxford afterwards with a fun presentation and informal walk through Emily’s neighbourhood in Queens.