08 May Enrolling street artists: The writings on the wall
Why paint the graffiti on the fence? Why not embrace it? Clearly these taggers are in need of a short course in the arts or extended typographic education. Keep them off the streets… A few sample lines from the attached and pictures 24 hours after paste-up. Note the successful targeted censorship at work at work.
Why does perth celebrate success by what we can acquire rather than what we can do? Advertising and design change how youth behave and think. Do you really want to spend the best years of your career spreading misery and feelings of inadequacy? encouraging addictions? perhaps it is best you don’t enroll in a graphic design branding and advertising major. don’t seek more: www.central.wa.edu.au/courses/creativearts
Enroll in perth’s best graphic design and visual arts courses and the government will pay your fees. It is a fucking sweet deal called vet fee help. you have to eventually pay it back, but when you graduate and exhibit your final folio in a real gallery to like-minded professionals and career artists who will applaud your passion, vision and commitment, it will all be worth it. The writings on the wall.