22 Sep metaMORPHosis
metaMORPHosis was the new art and design exhibition for senior secondary school students being presented by Central Institute of Technology this year. The exhibition was developed to acknowledge and promote the excellence and originality achieved by senior secondary school students in their art and design studies. Central also sees the exhibition as a complement to our prestigious art and design programs and as a reflection on the shift (or metaMORPHosis) from student to artist/designer.
I spoke at the event and awarded prizes to 12 students. Below is the short speech I gave prior to the handing out of certificates.
The world is forever changing
Some people are hip to it and others are not. And whilst people and the media are constantly debating about GLOBAL WARMING, it is, in reality, a cold world out there. Working hard is not the answer.
You need to sing in your own voice, and avoid chosing only one form of media.
A painting, for example, just sits there on the wall – that is the best and worst thing about it. Graphic design uses only typography, movement, visual spells and tricks, and that is the best and worst thing about it.
I guess my point here is not to marry yourself to your medium.
Be as willing to learn the skills involved in water-colour as the coding requirements for web design. Understand the elements and principals of architecture, but also be aware of the experiementation required with ceramics.
Nuture your curiousity of the visual art and the graphic design world wholistically and know that it is your duty to pull everything out of your teachers.
Good luck and our hope is that we will see you in the future, engaged and passionate about your journey here at Central.