05 Mar Reverting to Type — Always Was! Always Will Be!
Very proud to be part of the Reverting to Type 2020 — an exhibition of contemporary letterpress protest posters.
These are artworks with something to say: sounding a warning signal about the global climate crisis, railing against fake news and surveillance capitalism, calling out racism, sexism and fighting for equal opportunities and, of course, reacting to the coronavirus pandemic. Serendipitously, this poster was also the theme of the 2020 Naidoc Weeks celebrations and further collaboration occurred on these original prints with Kevin Wilson from NANI DESIGNS in Perth.
This website serves as a digital record of the physical exhibition held at Standpoint Gallery in London, UK which displayed 200 posters from 105 artists in 16 countries.
Curated by Richard Ardagh and Graham Bignell of New North Press the project marks 10 years since their first Reverting to Type exhibition. As well as showcasing the work of the global letterpress community, New North Press have also produced twenty-six collaborative prints especially for the exhibition (cats A–Z) with invited artists, designers, poets, comedians, asylum-seekers, adults with learning disabilities and young people.
New North Press
Website design & build
Kristian Johansen & Daniel Kang Yoon Nørregaard
Art direction
Richard Ardagh Studio
Pyte Foundry