Brendan Hibbert Design | Graphic Design & Design Education in Perth, Western Australia | Since 2005

Worldskills Abu Dhabi 2017: C-3

Competition Minus 3 Days

Assessment training

A day of solid assessment training for experts in the Graphic Design Worldskills workshop and test project discussions for Day 4.

Highlights included going through and revising the Skill Management Plan, setting a timed agenda and talking about skill specific details relating to:

Pre competition artwork was uploaded (big thanks to Kezia Albores, Diploma North Metro TAFE student for her submission). Stay tuned until C4 for that outcome.



2017 Skillaroo & Team Australia’s Uniforms

For the first time, WorldSkills Australia ran a nationwide uniform design competition. The winning design has been custom fitted to each Skillaroo and Expert and will be worn for both formal and casual events throughout the competition. The winning design is by Ashleigh Huntley, 2013 Skillaroo and graduate of Advanced Diploma for Applied Fashion Design and Technology at TAFE NSW Ultimo.


Message from The Hon Karen Andrews MP

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills

The Hon Karen Andrews MP recorded a message to wish the Skillaroos & Team Australia well as they prepared to depart Australia for WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017.




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