Worldskills Australia — National Championships

Big thanks to my judging team Indy Griffiths and Dale Fisher for their efforts to help get this 2021 Worldskills Australia National Skills Championship smoothly running and marked.

And of course, huge virtual hugs and high fives for our little skill squad family consisting of:

Jordan Ross Queensland – Gold Coast
Elijah Charet New South Wales – Sydney
Anabel Cressie Western Australia — Perth
Kelsey Wade South Australia —  Adelaide
Christene Podger Victoria — Melbourne 
Annabel Haizer Western Australia — Perth
Martin Straif Austria
Charlotte Chan Man Chong Singapore
Anastasia Nikolaeva Russia


Over the last three days at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre we have run a complex WA HONEY packaging brief and helped a small WA business, Nature Playgrounds with a dense Corporate Profile in time for 2022.

Attached are some ‘action’ shots from the competition — and as soon as judging has concluded, I’ll print final boxes and labels and share some of the great 12pg booklets also.

All NINE (9) young competitors produce some epic work within the six hour time limit. Six Australians and three international guests (Austria, Russia and Singapore) all competed with steely resolve and exhausting concentration. It looks easier that it is. The aspects, marking and attention to details are major drains on System 2 Thinking (thanks for pointing this out Daniel Kahneman).

The WA HONEY brief was a live project to ‘stimulate discussions’ and are not meant to serve as final designs — rather, mockups to help committee members and WA HONEY producers start to consider how to really leverage thier wonderfully strong brand to take our local pure honey to the world.

Standby for final marks, more official photos and enjoy the [TRY-A-SKILL] letterpress next door at the NM TAFE GRAPHIC DESIGN booth.