17 Nov Worldskills International Special Edition – Aarau, Switzerland
Worldskills International Special Edition (46th) – Aarau, Switzerland was an amazing week of competition — Hosted by @swissskills and VisCampus with 23 countries in attendance, Team Australia was proud to introduce Annabel Haizer (#skillaroo @a.nnibale) to the world stage.
All the vital aspects of this amazing global competition came together — opening and closing ceremonies; hotel connections and transfers to the VisCampus; competitor familiarisation and old town cultural experiences; snacks; canteen; expert conversations and continuous improvement discussions throughout the event; plus a great expert dinner and welcome. Even an epic ‘skill out’ with old and new friends to celebrate our ‘skills-family’ time together.
Annabel writes:
This October I travelled to Aarau, Switzerland to compete in the 2022 WorldSkills International Competition. As a Skillaroo I represented Australia in graphic design as one of 23 competitors from across the globe. Studying graphic design was somewhat of an accident and I never expected to be part of something as big as WorldSkills. I am extremely thankful for this opportunity and for the amazing people I have met along the way. This is an experience I will never forget and to all my friends and fellow skills champions, hope to see you again! 💕 #worldskills #worldskillsau #worldskillswa #skillaroos
The professional reflection and conversations during this competition really highlighted the strength of @northmetrotafe skills-based training. All the side-quests after the event also filled my cup. Most notably, a career highlight hanging with @dafikuhne in Näfels at his ‘Baby Ink Twice’ workshop, the spiritual home of precision Letterpress.
All experts now focused on Worldskills Lyon, France 2024.