In a first for North Metropolitan TAFE Graphic Design Dept, letterpress artist Phil Gambrill of Fresh Lemon Print was invited to spend ten weeks during Term 3, 2020 in the Print & Graphic Design study area to share his passion to staff and students in the Perth Campus print workshop and...

The Global Online Marketing Academic Challenge (GOMAC) is a unique opportunity for students to experience and create online marketing campaigns using Google Ads. Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, NM TAFE's Advanced Diploma students developed digital marketing campaigns for real clients in Perth during arguably the worse shock economic shutdown many...

Bonfire, has announced North Metropolitan TAFE student Mitchell Do as the inaugural winner of Kindling, an initiative that gives young creatives a chance to see their work in the real world. Do received a $1000 cash prize and the opportunity to work with designer Jarrod Fuller...

This isn't just about Bee-Keeping and movement around a hive. It is good life advice. Take notes, pause, playback, watch over. Randy Oliver of NY Bee Wellness Workshop, August 7, 2016. Good for beginning beekeepers. Basic management of bees, disease identification. ...

It is always a total pleasure to mark high standard student work. And through its highly acclaimed assessment scheme, ISTD raise the bar each year with examples of exceptional typography in design education. Congratulations to the eighteen of our Even Odds students who submitted this year —...