Frustrated with constantly having to clean their walls of meaningless graffiti, Robyn Rennie from Centacare Employment and Training in Maddington has asked my Creative Process diploma students to propose a creative solution to decorate and deter graffiti artists from regularly ‘tagging or bombing’ their walls. Centacare Employment and Training delivers a...

Scott Weir and I have been busy progressing the Central Institute of Technology's main stairwell design. (From the low-tech paste-ups, you can see a clear path to the completion of the project.) After some final refinements Tom and Scott are now ready to hand over the...

Students were in for an aural treat last week as Lance Skelton (From, and a judge of last years Grad Show) give a presentation on RADIO Marketing and Advertising Lance spoke candidly about his career starting out in radio and went through his process, concepting scripts and how...

My Complex Imagery students have recently completed some stunning car wrap concepts for the Wrap2theMax, design competition that showcases modern car branding. The Roland Wrap2theMax vehicle wrap design competition closed this month and students submitted seven designs. Check them out below and don't forget to...