It is always a total pleasure to mark high standard student work. And through its highly acclaimed assessment scheme, ISTD raise the bar each year with examples of exceptional typography in design education. Congratulations to the eighteen of our Even Odds students who submitted this year —...

I was proud to be part of the 2019 AGDA WA Folio Review down @murdochuniversity  this year. A fantastic turn-out of students and one inspiring keynote by @iamdanagostino. Thanks to all of the professionals for kicking off their day by sharing some critiques and advice, Erica Ormsby for...

[caption id="attachment_276" align="alignleft" width="150"] Paul Rand at work[/caption] A great little interview with the master: Paul Rand. 1914-1996. This six-minute amateur video footage of Paul chatting with some design students offers an insight into the man I hadn’t seen. At the time of writing there are just...