Senator Scott Ludlam has worked to develop a comprehensive and ambitious plan to upgrade Western Australia to suit the challenges and opportunities of our time. - See more at: ...

The Typography Extravaganza, BENCHPRESS THAT LETTERPRESS was a huge success that could have been called by any other name and looked as sweet. It was an ALL CAPS title fight of moving quotations in movable type by Perth's newest heavy weights In fact, there were...

Shortlisted Central Graphic Design students were treated to some fantastic hospitality at Chevron HQ in Perth last week for final concept presentations and have received a great deal of experience from this industry exposure. Chevron's committed has been illustrated by their comprehensive feedback to students (invaluable...

Our modern major manage project brief this semester is working with UWA medical students on their flagship event, The Red Party – Raising Money and Awareness for HIV/AIDS. Here are a few snaps from this live brief session. Check back in several weeks for a full run down of the new direction for this worthwhile cause.

Here are some photos from yesterday's play date with Chevron. Adv Diploma advertisings student's were able to get their prototypes in front of Jen O'Reilly from the Kellogg Joint Venture 'Barrow Island Quarantine team' and fellow lecturer Peter Lawton. Both were very impressed with the...

Last week, the KO'd Advanced Diploma students received a thorough briefing from Ebony, Evan and the amazingly well spoken and passionate Gorgon Quarantine Manager, Johann van der Merwe from Chevron Australia. The brief invites students to 'play', by developing a board game to help educate and protect Barrow Island. And it is all very timely as it keys in nicely to the overall Chevron Energy campaign of 'WE AGREE'.

A six page, comprehensive brief was developed for AREA 57 graduates as their integrated assignment for 2012. Students were required to develop a strategically robust definition of the Foyer Oxford brand and develop a distinctive, credible and appealing brand identity to support Foyer Oxford in achieving its goal.

This report contains reviews, imagery and personal commentary of the recent Central Institute of Technology’s student mobility program to the Peoples Republic of China hosted by Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce in Hangzhou. It has been designed to allow for various entry points into the seven perspectives of the team who have undertaken and reflected on the two weeks abroad, and readers are invited to review each report in no particular order. Each student was given the freedom to document the tour without a constrained framework or agenda. It also loosely offered students the ability to seek truth from the facts. Unsurprisingly, the conclusion for each student and myself was the same. China is amazing.