A funky little brief put together at the last minute for our diploma graphic design students — The Central Library Bookmark project is now on show from June–July 2015 at 25 Aberdeen Street in Northbridge. Some good team-building and exhibition system practice for Diploma Group C as...

Featuring a detailed walk through by Australiasian chair, Becky Chilcott and followed up by Tina Mash's student perspective, this is a richly illustrated and detailed talk offering vital information for those wanting to submit to the 2015 ISTD SAS and study at University to complete...

Work in progress session this week had D212 heaving with designers and musicians in an epic hour of power. Presentations, updates, feedback, conceptual juggernauts shot down and winners announced. Plus, a sneaky peak of 5/15/25 with Henry, Dan and Steve during question time… [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="3725,3726,3727,3728,3729,3730,3731,3732,3733,3734,3735,3736,3737,3738,3739,3740,3741,3742,3743,3744,3745,3746,3747,3748,3749,3750" orderby="rand"]...

Why paint the graffiti on the fence? Why not embrace it? Clearly these taggers are in need of a short course in the arts or extended typographic education. Keep them off the streets… A few sample lines from the attached and pictures 24 hours after paste-up....

Advance Diploma students are refining their logo and direction each week. The selection process isn't a secret affair, with ideas, options and suggestions spoken openly in Room D212 upstairs of 133 Newcastle Street. Also this week, Alby wins vocational student of the year (Zoe was nominated)...

Our March graduate talk this year was a double-header. Chloe received a PASS grade for her ISTD assessment with an assignment aimed at halting ‘TAFE CUTBACKS’ and Alby produced a final year ‘mentor style art school manifesto brief’ which highly impressed industry judges and lecturing staff...

Over 21 years after finishing high school, we recently celebrated with a good ol' reunion back in Morwell Victoria. Brilliantly organised by Belinda at the Social Crew and joining forces with legendary fabricator, Dean Roberts (Lithostylis) to frantically produce a new issue of da Sellout,...

Building on a year long relationship with the Equal Opportunity Commission, six Central Advanced Diploma Graduates were recently recognised for their marketing and design prowess. The Equal Opportunity Act came was enacted in 1984 and came into operation in July 1985. Its objectives are varied, but...