Click here to see PDF previews of each Last semester, my diploma web development students took up the challenge of a comprehensive review of the more popular Wordpress plugin options and mechanisms to help create the first supa-awesome list of every plugin you would ever have...
Both diploma and advanced diploma students are working hard with Beehive Industries of WA to redevelop their branding, marketing materials and web presence. Here is a quick glimpse at the Adv Dip students work in progress session with Stephanie Lowndes before Easter. [gallery link="file" columns="2"]...
stusha studio is an art and design practice, based in a studio somewhere on Newcastle Street, Perth, Western Australia. Finally, Andrew has got his site up and is sharing a small taste of some of his finest public art and design work. Amazingly process driven and...
The Australian Urban Design Research Centre (AUDRC) is devoted to excellence in teaching and researching the big issues facing cities in the 21st century. AUDRC is affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts at the UWA. BHD played a crucial role in...
In partnership with Pink Elephant and CDI GROUP BHD recently headed the web development of a responsive, efficient and 'built to spec' online presence for Perth's most dynamic and progressive construction and property groups. The project section of CDI GROUP's site includes a great thumbnail gallery...