15 May Graphic Music presentations
Another great term and partnerships with Diploma Graphic Design students and Music Business Students from CIT Leederville.
See the range below, in no particular order:
MAY 2011
- LUKE SWEET and SAM CARMODY: Maritime fence idea pulled off nicely with simplistic line art and grunge styling adding punch
- ASH RAINBIRD and 10past6: Loads of laughs and fun solution for loose brief and general absurdity.
- SASHA DOYLE and THE SEEN AND HEARD: Excellent process and development into strong atmospheric final.
- NICOLE HURLE and I AM ETERNAL: Solid research but falls short of delivering full death metal credentials.
- HAILEY SIMS and THE CANNONELS: Mis-guided pirate theme turns into a spooky and well resolved newsprint front page and restrained triptych.
- CAITLIN MOLONEY and SAM CARMODY: Delightfully strong concept development leads to some of the best work produced to date.
- ALESHA HARRIS and I AM ETERNAL: Enter the crazy zombie turtle and then add drumsticks to the coolest pencil case in school.
- VICKY WAKE and THURSDAY’S PAGE: Starts with stong typo blocks applied well to outdoor and advertising spaces.
- DEANNA SCORDA and THE WITNESS: Reflect on the issues of copyright and the development of customised wordpress website.
- STEPHY CHAN and ALEX THE KID: Present three well defined concepts and forward thinking future focused final poster.
- SARAH BUCKLAND and THE PAINTED BIRDS: Proves that starting a new direction often improves the process when a design isn’t working.
- REBECCA CAPUTI and HAND STANDS FOR ANTS: Painterly approach and unique ‘split personality’ works well, albeit under resolved.
- RAYMOND HARVEY and I AM ETERNAL: In a fun packed presentation, Raymond explores having his feelings hurt after rejection of a leading concept..
- ALANA EASTVELD and THE PAINTED BIRDS: Provides a dark themed symbolic design direction with gorgeous logo type script.
- NICOLA FARROW and THE VANS: Repositions well with simplistic logo type and straight forward eclipse direction.
- NICHOLAS YIM and ALEX THE KID: With excellent logo device and typeface although lacking punch with information on poster.
- NATHAN MILLARD and THE SEEN AND HEARD: Develops fun posters for ‘young hipsters’ and introduces a lady King Kong.
- MAYO KIKUCHI and UPON THE SHORES: Develops a timeless logo and awesome heartless robot T-Shirt.
- LEIGH MAISEY and RED SKY: Extensive design choices with the STROKES inspired range of different design directions. Smooth running project.
- KIRREN JONES and ORIGINAL FORTUNE: Excellent logo solution after multiple refinements complemented with a great WordPress website.
- KHARISSA SADHA and SAM CARMODY: Pushes a memorable logo and exquisite poster concept under the gun using SLR focus as the punctuation.
- KARINA BOYDEN and GEORGI KAY: Follow intuition as the approach and deliver a gutsy logotype and starting points of a good poster.
- JEN MCKENNA and THE CANNONELS: With loose starting points for an un-common sounding band, Jen finds herself in a spooky swamp.
- IGUSTI WISESA and 10 PAST 6: Arrives quickly at an unresolved ending.
- EMMA VOGLER and THE VANS: Demonstates good logo development which matches eclipse theme and typo driven lyrical texturing.
- ELLIOT KLASS and ORIGINAL FORTUNE: Proof that good client communication can result in great theme and text driven solution to possible “geiselnahme”.
- ELEANOR BRIGG and THE VANS: Extensive poster and merch work with minimal logo retouching.
- DAVID PEKEL and THE ENERGY COMMISSION: In a ‘censored’ development and unseen presentation, falls short of pulling it off.
- CRYSTAL CORNELIUS and THURSDAY’S PAGE: Strong logotype solution with single colour inked band posters provides striking counterpoint.
- BRANDON RODGERS and THE PAINTED BIRDS: Works on a strong conceptual base and aims for the sky. Interesting type and graphical imagery solution.
- AYE AYE and GEORGI KAY: Complex layered solution seems a little too generic, but is branded well outdoor.
- ALEX HWANG and THURSDAY’S PAGE: Push strong concept driven solutions with refined polish and sensible design motifs.
- ADRINA AVENDANO and THE WITNESS: Battles a sore throat to document dealings and communication importance to arrive at website solution.
Further presentations (not presented to client and full group)
- BRANT BEBGINGTON and THE ORIGIN OF: Takes a fun, well communicated brief and only minimum logo development into a good web concept but lacking in the poster department.
- MYRIAH JONES and THE ORIGIN OF: Takes on a detailed brief and paces the development of logo and direction responding to feedback. Logo works well and redeveloped poster shows promise.
- JULIA DAVIS and HAND STANDS FOR ANTS: Battles poor and late feedback to illustrate an amazingly rich and symbolic direction with multiple refinements, amends and seeks feedback to improve typographic placement. Direct band feedback would have worked better in this match-up, but exceptional final nonetheless.
- CHIARA ADAMS and THE CANNONELS: Good example of how face to face meetings can really help sharpen the direction, this good grpahic team relationship covers vast amounts of ground and works hard to deliver on some crazy requests. The poster is a WINNER and used, the EP cover in ink perhaps not quite finished but epic results either way.
- CAITLIN DEASY and THE WITNESS: Solving the copyright issues and redrawing the troublesome ‘peacock’ is fantasic and a real saviour. Cool and hip minimalistic EP a great solution also.
- KIRSTEN SANFEAD and BEYOND NEVER: Menacing spikes with a fighter pilot theme, Kirsten produces some great work for her own band and capitalises on the decay and end of the world. The concept album direction is fun and diverse, as is the merch and comes with a Website to boot.
- DIMITRI LENETTE and TWO MUSIC: Good brief although little feedback sees super-clean ideas self edited and refined to colour explorations and funky translucent card idea to replicate old cassette tapes.
- JAQUELINE GIACOMAN and 10 PAST 6: Experiences a far amount of frustration due to poor communication. However, proceeds well into powerful logo with spunky personality. Type on posters suffers from readability issues, which may have been solved by better client communication and feedback when requested.
- GINA THOMPSON and TWO MUSIC: Produces a strong logotype solution and refines well onto stationery application, however, has to wait a week for 5 minutes of feedback. Excellent repeatition of major logotype on reverse of letterhead and positions TWO MUSIC with a fantastic ‘screen printed’ starting point for posters.
- LAYTON WEBBER and BREAK: Working with close friends and bandmates sees a strong rationale well researched and refined into a well set and moody suite of materials of this crew. Punchy posters and great logo rolls out wonderfully to brand the band experience.
- ALANA NOTTE and THE PAINTED BIRDS: Good brief and communication starts with large inspiration pull and three solid finals. Poster is “smart and efficient”. Excellent process of smart thumbnails and professional sleeve-ready artwork. (Thanks to Aiden for additional ‘live’ notation)
- PUJI LESTARI and UPON THE SHORES: What begins as a straightforward brief, quickly develops into a city on fire with some dark and difficult decisions that result in difficulties with readability. Final logo choice strong and presentation demonstrates commitment to work ethic.
- RACHEL TAY and THE WITNESS: Research rich out of the blocks, Rachel showcases how excellent refinement and committed logo development can amazing and capture attention. Eye poster top notch and that logo does grow on you (eventually).
- KIAH WEAVER and THE ORIGIN OF: Communication with client slowed unfortunatley, as feedback on logo was received well and more of the same may have help ‘refine’ the bloated feel. Posters lack direction and missing a driving concept of which client communication may have helped. Saved by roll out onto merch, flyers and alternative options.
- AIDEN THOMAS and UPON THE SHORES: Fun filled presentation and strong intuition helps keep the ball rolling after both client and design “let go of it at the same time”. Long wait time for feedback may have helped kick-start fresh logo direction (vast improvement) and illustrations are super cool. Strong typography always wins at the end of the day.
- STEPHANIE WEIR and THE ENERGY COMMISSION: A shocking, sexually challenging brief is well handled by Stephanie who guides a one hour talk about penis’s into a less confrontational refined German / Russian hermaphrodite. Satisfactory logo development leads into a ‘safe’ stationery set and stuff, and strong initial posters concepts.
And using PREZI, which is a great way to ‘step’ the viewer through the process
DIEGO AGUIAR and THURSDAY’S PAGE: Works up a strong direction with little to no feedback from client and whilst more variations could have been explored, it does have a refined edge.
BEN COLE and FEAR OF COMEDY: From a mixed brief and no band contact, Ben successfully executes a complicated narrow down of options to deliver an excellent empty belly poster and standout logo and CD development all within the final two weeks. Interesting to see ‘uncredited’ use of the logo showcasing how poor communication is typically the roadblocks the band manager places between the band and the designer.
JESSICA KIPPS and ORIGINAL FORTUNE: With Hiphop lotus styling an excellent starting point, Jess explores various ‘street cred’ directions and geometric type solutions.
PAULA FARIA and 10 PAST 6: Loads of research and loads of initial design options delivers a fantastic final logo and exceptionally strong branded collateral.